What is it about forgiveness that is so hard? Is it the belief that you’re letting the person who hurt you off the hook? I do think there are people out there that still believe that is true.  Now, I’m no expert friends but this is what I know so far. I believe the real issue with forgiveness is, we as in the collective, have yet to master the art of self-forgiveness. Once, you’ve given yourself the true gift of forgiveness and felt the weight of the world fall of your shoulders. It makes forgiving others a whole lot easier. I only know this because I’ve lived it.  Forgiveness of self, is one of the best gifts you could ever give your soul.  It is liberating and is also a humbling reminder that we all make mistakes.  Forgiving someone does not have to mean you are forgiving the act or bad behavior. It does however, give you the freedom to release the negative emotions from the act that are keeping you angry, resentful or stuck. So, the next time you are faced with the decision to forgive someone, please remember it is a choice and entirely up to you to decide to do so. Speaking from my own personal experiences, letting go of hurt is a far better solution than hanging onto it. It allowed me to move forward with my life and it also taught me a valuable lesson to be more discerning with whom I let into my life as well. Life is full of all kinds of good and bad and chock full of lessons. Are you getting all the important lessons life is throwing your way?–Be well friends

“Some of the hardest and most important forgiveness you will ever do is of yourself.”

–Kellee Bentzen