Good day friends, today I’d like to talk about selflessness and how it led me to volunteering and eventually finding my purpose.  Now, at the time, I thought I was going into the healthcare field but it was then, that I decided to give myself permission to explore other avenues of work.  I just knew something was missing with my chosen field. So I thought, well maybe I should look into a charitable organization working with hospice patients.  I have always had a special interest in older generations.  I adore older folks. Even the crabby ones! So, I signed up to be a volunteer. It did give me a sense of purpose and I enjoyed my volunteering assignments. When I would return home afterwards, I couldn’t help but notice how much compassion I felt.  It wrapped around me like a big hug. I thought ok, this is good.  I feel a sense of purpose, more compassion for others, and I enjoyed it.  But still, there was something missing.  I’ve always had a strong desire to help others.  It’s like a reflex. This is how I started to identify what my wants, and must haves in my new journey were. I took all the things I liked and were interested in and saw how they could all fit together. Things like, being kind, helping others, enjoying what I’m doing, and I even tried to fit in my beloved old folks!  In the end, I knew I was on the right track but the scale of how I could help others was too small.  So friends, the whole point of this is, there are many different ways to skin a cat.  It’s not the nicest expression but I think you know what I mean.  I threw a bunch of stuff against the wall to see what would stick.  Some didn’t but most of them did! I explored the path of selflessness to help me get to where I wanted to go. You can too. All you gotta do is figure out what will fulfill you in life.  Nurture and baby whatever that is, until it grows into something you want to be. It worked for me and it will work for you too.  There is room on this planet for every single one of us to be living our very best life. What does yours look like? Please be brave and  share your heart’s desires in the comments below. 

–Be well friends

“Shoot for the moon and if you miss you will still be amongst the stars.”

-Les Brown